Saturday 31 December 2011






We will meet on the 3rd Wednesday of the month except in June and August. The venue is St. Augustine’s Church, Birbeck Road, Rush Green, Romford.

MASS at 7.30 p.m. followed by meeting.

18th January

15th February

21st March

18th April

16th May

18th July

19th September

17th October

21st November

19th December

Friday 23 December 2011




Amongst all that is going on at Christmas tide, we know we should never lose sight of the truth of the Incarnation: that God has entered his creation. It is into the mess and mayhem of our world and our lives that Jesus comes. Those who have entered the Catholic Church through the Ordinariate this year have had to adapt to new and changed situations. Many of the clergy have not only had to leave church buildings but their homes as well. This can be very unsettling but no less unsettling for those many lay people who have left churches and worshipping communities that they have known and loved for many years: place is important. This year that which might seem unsettling opens for us the possibility of hearing and receiving afresh the news of the Shepherds; the song of the Angels; and the call of the Magi. It’s into the untidiness and difficulties of our lives that God, in his Son, wants to come.

At this Christmas time, I want to both recognise and thank all those who have been courageous enough to respond to our Holy Father’s invitation to be one with Peter, the Rock on which this child, born for us, built his Church. My prayer for those clergy, their families and the many lay people who have given generously of their time and resources, and who have let go of familiar things which offered security, is that the joy of the birth of Our Saviour may have a new and deeper meaning as we celebrate the Word made flesh who lives among us.

A blessed and holy Christmas to you all.


Tuesday 20 December 2011

Monday 19th December Meeting

Yesterday evening 14 were present for the Redbridge and Havering Ordinariate Exploratory Group Mass and meeting. This was celebrated by the Father Mervyn and concelebrated by Father Martin and there were 14 present for Mass and 10 stayed for the meeting afterwards.. During Mass we prayed for Christian Unity, for the Holy Father and for Monsignor Keith the Ordinary, as well as Bishop Stephen and Bishop Norman. After Mass we had the opportunity to do some forward planning for 2012. Future dates were discussed and these will be notified and published as soon as possible.

After the Summer break this was the first get together we have been able to arrange. Members are really keen that the Group should continue. and during 2012 we hope that it may expand.

It was suggested that we hold a Passover Meal around Holy Week for those interested and that we held another trip to the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham. We talked about the visit Fathers Martin and Mervyn will be making to the Holy Land next June with the possibility of a pilgrimage during 2013.